Can you take a pregnancy test during implantation bleeding?


Can you take a pregnancy test during implantation bleeding?  

Following fertilization, the fertilized egg starts to grow within the place of implantation. Simultaneously with the growth, the fertilized egg starts to travel across the fallopian tubes into the uterus. Then this embryo gets attached to the uterus wall and gets secured, resulting in bleeding.

Implantation bleeding is considered an early pregnancy sign, as this appears even getting a positive HCG result. The majority of the couples get scared of bleeding, and they seek medical advice. But before medical advice, if you have not tested a home pregnancy test, meet the physician with a home pregnancy test result.

Are you confused about whether it is implantation bleeding or menstrual bleeding?

Implantation bleeding appears slightly as spotting. But some may mistakenly consider this as your period. Women will have different patterns, frequencies and volumes of menstrual bleeding. Therefore every woman will not mistake this as her period.

But it has become easy to differentiate implantation bleeding from menstrual bleeding depending on the color and volume of bleeding. Also, if you experience early pregnancy symptoms with slight bleeding, take a pregnancy test.

Implantation bleeding will present with sight bleeding, which is not as heavy as menstruation bleeding. A woman can experience spotting or a few blood drops on her underpants.

Implantation bleeding appears as pinkish or slightly brown. But menstruation bleeding appears bright red at the beginning.

When does implantation bleeding happen?

Implantation bleeding occurs when the chorionic villi enter the uterus wall, causing it to break the wall. This happens when the embryo enters the uterus. The embryo becomes a blastocyst within the uterus after filling it with uterine fluid.

It takes around ten to fourteen days to initiate implantation following fertilization. It is essential to know that fertilization will not occur during intercourse. And this can happen a few days later in a sexual relationship.

Can you take a pregnancy test during implantation bleeding?  

You can participate in a home pregnancy test and a blood pregnancy test during implantation bleeding. But the problem is that there is less chance of getting a positive result. The pregnancy tests are designed to detect and react with the HCG hormone.

HCG is a hormone that gets produced in high concentrations during pregnancy, and the placenta produces it. The placenta starts to form after completing the implantation. So the women's body will not be able to produce HCG hormone until it completes implantation.

Implantation bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy, but it indicates that the time is too early to take a pregnancy test. But a woman can wait for 4-5 days to take a home pregnancy test following implantation bleeding.

When a pregnancy test is taken early, there is a greater chance of obtaining false negative results. When you and your partner wish to get a positive result, and if you take the test too early, it can damage your emotions.

However, if, by any chance, you get a positive result from a home pregnancy test, make sure to meet your physician for further investigations.

How does implantation cause bleeding?


The blastocyst is the development stage which gets implanted in the uterine wall. Although the blastocyst is a tiny structure, chorionic villi make ruptures within the uterine wall, causing small capillaries to break.

How long does implantation bleeding persist?


Generally, menstruation bleeding may last around three to seven days, depending on individual factors. This is because the entire uterine wall is shed during menstruation. But implantation bleeding persists for around one or two days.


If a woman experiences vaginal bleeding with heavy cramping and pelvic and abdominal pain, it is an emergency where you need immediate medical advice. Ectopic pregnancies can be serious and life-threatening.


It is normal to experience implantation bleeding when you become pregnant. But this phenomenon cant is observed in every pregnant woman. Implantation bleeding is a positive sign that you are pregnant and your embryo has reached the right place. But this is not the most suitable time to take a pregnancy test. The hormone HCG will start to produce only after completing implantation. So it is advised to wait a few more days to confirm your pregnancy.